The Need
- Logistics client needed to replace a disparate range of legacy ERP & BI systems with solutions built around a common core, whilst providing appropriate levels of self-serve access for end clients
The Solution
- Microsoft’s Power Apps was chosen as the platform in which to build these solutions
- Power BI dashboards were created to provide insight for logistics, sales, stock control and finance teams
- Sharepoint sites were created for both internal teams and external clients
- Power Automate was used to provide workflow automation and data capture / transfer solutions
The Result
- Management insight was increased significantly, leading to key discoveries and new initiatives being launched
- Operational efficiency was improved and costs reduced by vastly simplifying and automating key daily processes
- Potential new revenue streams were created by providing external clients with ‘self-serve’ options, thereby also increasing customer satisfaction
Other Success Stories
- A Travel firm was able to clearly track bookings by trip, identifying under & over capacity earlier in the cycle & understanding what marketing initiatives were working best
- An Energy company was able to quickly see which marketing campaigns were working and why, from multi-variate test results